Division of

Single Audits

Single Audits

The State’s annual single audit report is in accordance with Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance. The audit is conducted under the oversight of the State Auditor’s Office.

The Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Awards (SEFA) is included in the single audit report and is prepared by the Division of Accounting. The SEFA is a report of all federal grant expenditures expended by the State of Delaware agencies and departments and it includes both monetary and non-monetary grant awards.


Freedom of Information Act

The Delaware Freedom of Information Act – 29 Del. C. ch. 100 – outlines the FOIA process, costs, and requirements for State of Delaware agencies.

Department of Finance FOIA Requests

Delaware Open Checkbook

The State of Delaware’s Open Checkbook is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through complex financial information.

This site provides a guided view through financial transactions and provides a transparent look at how we allocate public funds. The charts, graphs, and tables below are all highly interactive and we invite you to explore.

Delaware Open Checkbook

Other Transparency Resources

Review, research, monitor and interact with several departments and agencies.

Transparency Resources

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