Division of

State PCard Program

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The State of Delaware, through Division of Accounting (DOA), has contracted with JPMorgan Chase to provide State Organizations with a VISA card program for purchasing and travel. This program is called the PCard Program; one card for purchasing and travel.

The PCard Program promotes fiscal oversight and improved internal control. The State of Delaware Budget and Accounting Manual details cardholder responsibilities and the policies and procedures of the PCard Program. The program allows the cardholder to only spend within the predetermined Merchant Category Codes (MCC) that are necessary for the cardholder to perform his/her job.

Click below for the following:

Chip-Enabled PCard FAQs *

2024 PCard Billing Cycle Dates *

2023 PCard Billing Cycle Dates *

MCC List – Merchant Category Code List *

PaymentNet Online Help

PCard/PaymentNet Communications

PCard Internal Controls Certification (PO012) *

Sample PCard Internal Control Policy (PO014) *

PCard Cardholder Agreement *

PCard Change Request (PO003) *

PCard Authorized Signature Card (PO013) *

PCard Proxy Request (PO004) *

Training Required to Obtain FSF PCard Roles (PO200) *

View JP Morgan Chase’s website for more information about the chip-enabled card:

Chip Technology


If you have any additional questions, please contact the FSF Service Desk at (302) 526-5600 or via email at


*PLEASE NOTE: These pages are located on a state of Delaware Intranet site and are only accessible from inside the state firewall. Those attempting to access these sites externally will receive an error.

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